Pink circle containing the text Educator’s Corner and the NIGMS logo in white, all against a colorful background.

Biomedical Beat Educator’s Corner

With this free resource, educators can build on existing NIH STEM content through the integration of supplemental material in Biomedical Beat blog posts. The Educator’s Corner is intended to give teachers additional tools to use in lesson plans.

Grades: Middle and high school
Produced by: National Institute of General Medical Sciences

Collage of four cartoons: A silver orb character holding a pill capsule, a DNA double helix character holding scissors, a robot holding a surgical tool, and a square-shaped character surrounded by icons of different biomaterials.

Biomedical Engineering Adapted for Middle Schoolers (BEAMS) Lesson Plans

These lesson plans for middle school provide students with hands-on activities that focus on biomedical engineering approaches to address health care problems. Lesson topics include nanoparticles for drug delivery, DNA and gene editing, surgical robots, and biomaterials.

Grades: 6-8
Produced by: National Institute of Biomedical Imaging and Bioengineering

Five kids in a row on the grass, lying on their stomachs and smiling.

Digital Shareables on Child and Adolescent Mental Health

Educators and others can use these resources to raise awareness about the importance of child and adolescent mental health. They include social media graphics/messages, videos, and educational materials.

Grades: Elementary through high school
Produced by: National Institute of Mental Health

Icons of a laboratory flask, a computer circuit, a cog wheel, and addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division signs. Text reads: Federal STEM Education Resources.

Federal Partner Resources

​In addition to NIH, many federal agencies provide STEM education resources. Check out the offerings our federal partners, such as NASA, NOAA, the Smithsonian Institute, and more.

Grades: Elementary through high school
Produced by: U.S. Federal Government

Kahoot logo above an illustration of a neuron.

Kahoot! Quizzes

These quizzes engage students in fun and interactive competition as they learn about various science-related subjects. Topics include circadian rhythms, superbugs, and the science of drug addiction. (Note: To access the quizzes, create a free account and log in. Then go directly to the NIH Kahoot! content.)

Grades: Elementary through high school
Produced by: National Institutes of Health

Scientific image of a rodent’s retina that resembles a yellow flower.

NIGMS Science Education Resources

In addition to our curriculum materials, NIGMS has a variety of science education resources, including an image and video gallery with free-to-use scientific photos, illustrations, and videos along with corresponding descriptions; a glossary with easy-to-understand definitions for terms commonly used in basic biomedical research; a protein alphabet where students can write their names using protein alphabet letters; and much more.

Grades: Elementary through high school
Produced by: National Institute of General Medical Sciences

Illustration of a lightbulb containing the outline of a human brain.

The Partnership in Education: Materials and Resources

The Partnership in Education is a program that creates innovative, hands-on educational products that make science engaging and fun for teachers, students, and learners of all ages. Topics range from the scientific method and evolution to the science of sleep and regenerative medicine. Materials and resources include videos, games, student readings, and curriculum.

Grades: Elementary through high school
Produced by: Duquesne University (SEPA funded)

White text that reads, T SCORE-LIFT KS, against a blue background with blurry orbs.


Teachers and Students for Community-Oriented Research and Education: Linking industry Partners, Faculty, and Teachers (TSCORE-LIFT) offers teacher-developed units to provide students with learning experiences that grow their interest and knowledge in the health sciences. Subject areas include the general structure and function of the human body, management processes within health care settings, and diversity in health care.

Grades: High school
Produced by: University of Kansas Medical Center (SEPA funded)